A shocking video appears showing small Caesars serving frozen pizzas at DiGiorno. Here is what really happened


Absurdly leads look at the business world with a skeptical eye and a language firmly rooted in the cheek.

A video can really cause conniptions.

If enough people see it, that's it.

Imagine, then, the earthquake at Little Caesars HQ when a video appeared on Twitter this seemed to show that blasphemy had been established in one of the Little Caesars settlements.

Was it some kind of satanic ritual, with an altar, dresses and a very questionable dance?

For the whole world – and a large part of the world has come to notice – it looked like Pizza! Pizza! The chain served as DiGiorno's frozen pizza.

While the video was derived from the location of Little Caesars on the right, a stack of boxes of DiGiorno was right next to the reception counter of Little Caesars, looking very guilty.

Could it be, indeed, that a famous pizzeria cool serve frozen products of second class?

This surely could not happen in front of the whole world.

Once millions of people saw the video and fainted, Little Caesars launched an investigation.

Would a malicious culprit be discovered? Or would it be a white wash (anchovy)?

It was really a crisis. DiGiorno started to laugh at Twitter.

And then, an explanation so absurd that it must surely be true.

Oh, let the spokesperson speak for himself:

On this day, customers complained about buying outdated DiGiorno pizzas at Kmart that day. Due to the time of closure, the Kmart manager ordered his employee to temporarily store them in a cooler adjacent to the Little Caesars location for the morning's disposal.

In short, therefore, not a good advertisement for Kmart. And not so good for DiGiorno either. Frozen pizzas expire? This is a very painful news for many students in America.

And as for Little Caesars. Did not anyone here understand that anyone could come and film this dreadful show?

Being vigilant video is a must nowadays.

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