A skull-shaped asteroid, called "comet of death", will fly near the earth after Halloween


The skull-shaped asteroid known as the "big pumpkin" will come back for another hover.

NBC News reports that the body, officially called "Asteroid 2015 TB145", will pass near the Earth in November, shortly after Halloween. The asteroid was spotted at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico on October 31, 2015 and was immediately noticed for its spooky appearance. As you can see in the picture below, the asteroid looks a lot like a human skull in some lighting, to such an extent that it has also been dubbed "the comet of death" .

"I do not know why it's called a" comet of death, "said Vishnu Reddy, professor of planetary sciences at the Lunar and Planetary Lab of the University of Arizona. NBC News. "There is no scientific basis for such a term. Maybe it is related to the overflight time?

Yeah, or the fact that it looks like a common symbol of mortality and mortality. But despite its strange appearance and ominous nickname, experts insist that there is no chance that the asteroid will hit the ground. Cue the collective sigh of relief.

The rock, measuring between 2,050 feet and 2,297 feet, is expected to return to our planet in 70 years, flying 5.4 million kilometers from Earth.

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