A skull-shaped asteroid does not head to Earth on Halloween


The 2015 TB145 asteroid resembled a skull when it passed on our planet three years ago on Halloween. But now, the object may be a little less "humble" because its shape may have changed since then.

In 2015, the asteroid missed the Earth by just 300,000 miles and was visible to those with good telescopes. This year, the closest will be 25 million miles – which is way too far to say what it looks like.
It is easy to see the resemblance with a skull in this image of the 2015 TB145 asteroid, which was taken on October 30, 2015, a day before it flies over the Earth.

"This time it is not close enough (Earth) to be bigger than a bright spot," said Paul Chodas, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The asteroid was previously estimated to be 2,000 feet in diameter. However, asteroids change shape over time because they break against other celestial objects and break.

In addition, giant rock will not be closer before November 11, well after Halloween.

NASA says that the asteroid is most likely a "dead" comet that once spit out debris on the solar system. In spatial discussions, this means that it has "eliminated its volatiles", which would produce the visible tail of some comets.

The asteroid was discovered on October 10, 2015 by the Pan-STARRS-1 telescope (panoramic observation telescope and rapid response system) of Haleakala, on the island of Maui.

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