A sleeping student would not wake up in class. So, an agent pulled out his Taser.


The new student at Liberty Preparatory School may have been on a summer break last week. His teacher could not wake him up. Even summoning the acting director was not enough to get the teenager to open their eyes.

Educators in Smithville, Ohio, for example, called the school resource manager, a part-time local police member named Maryssa Boskoski, whose idea of ​​an impromptu alarm could cost her work and possibly her job. freedom.

While a classroom filled with students was watching, she held out her holster and pulled out her Taser, issued by the department, according to WEWS, a subsidiary of Cleveland ABC. Then she removed the shot cartridge and pulled the trigger.

The ensuing electric buzz woke the student up and rattled a community of charter schools in northeastern Ohio who felt that a weapon used to control the combative criminals should not be used to wake up a sleepy student. .

An electronic stun gun is an electronic stun gun brand that triggers probes that adhere to a person 's skin and transmit 50,000 volts of electricity, accompanied by a painful and paralyzing shock. However, if the cartridge containing the probe is removed, the taser may give way, emit a visible electrical flash, an audible buzz and a painful jolt if it touches anyone.

School officials informed parents that they considered inappropriate use of the stun gun in a letter that did not reveal the identity of the student.

"On the campus of our school, a Smithville officer tried to wake up a dormant student by deploying a Taser gun near the student," said the school officials in a letter obtained by WTMJ. "At no time, no student has been in danger".

Boskoski, who is also a member of the Air Force Reserve, works part time for the Smithfield Police Department. She could not be immediately seized for comment.

But Smithfield Police Chief Howard Funk said Boskoski had already been sanctioned a month ago for a Taser-related incident. Funk told the news channel that he was "disappointed that this took place". Boskoski is on leave without pay.

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An investigation was under way, according to the Associated Press, and Funk said he would meet Smithville's lawyer to see if charges should be laid. Funk did not immediately return a message from the Washington Post in search of comments.

In the previous case, Boskoski did not remove the cartridge from his Taser before doing what agents call a spark test. When she pulled the trigger, the Taser fired near another officer.

According to a report released by the Washington Post in 2015, Tasers were associated with dozens of deaths, while they were initially marketed as less lethal alternatives than agents firing weapons fire.

Research shows that devices, when used properly, are generally safe and prevent police and civilians from hurting themselves. Depending on the company's product warnings and police experts, when Tasers are used excessively or agents do not follow service guidelines or product guidelines, the risk of injury or death may increase.


Taser problems can be particularly challenging for school resource officers. The militant people they meet are often children, and the use of force by agents can be subject to additional scrutiny.

For example, police officers said that they could not control a girl who had been fighting at the Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School in Pinellas Park, Florida.

A video captured by passers-by captured an officer who shot his Taser against the girl on the run after shouting, "Let me go!"

"Once they've got [students] in their head that's how they are going to be, so that certainly makes the situation difficult, "said a school spokesman, according to the Kansas City Star.

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