A small gecko makes phone calls to "bazillion" from the Hawaiian Animal Hospital


A day gecko with gold dust in Kihei, Hawaii.
Photo: Samantha Levang (Flickr)

Sometimes technical problems are only a bug. Other times, it is a lizard.

Earlier this week, the director of a Hawaii seal hospital said that she had been overwhelmed by more than a dozen mysterious calls on her cell phone. When she picked up, however, the line was silent. To make the situation even stranger, the calls apparently came from inside the hospital.

"Has anyone called me? No one has done it," writes Dr. Claire Simeone, director of the Ke Kai Ola Center for Marine Mammals Hospital. on Twitter. "Meanwhile, several other people have called the hospital to ask WHY DO WE CALL THEM OUTSTANDING?"

Simeone says that Hawaiian Telecom, the telephone company of the center, confirmed that a "bazillion of calls" was actually coming from a single line inside the hospital and it was asked to look around to find the problem.

When she finally found it, however, the problem was not hardware or software, but shoes, the toe protectors of a tiny gecko of golden dust.

In the end, Simeone says he sent a note to the center staff and volunteers regarding the flow of strange "telemarketing calls" made by a lizard to walk numbering.

It should be noted that the gecko was not a patient at the hospital, but one of the sticky intruders who sneaks regularly in search of germs in Hawaii. A fact that apparently has not been lost for the Hawaiian Telecom employee.

"[W]Are you not the Marine Mammal Center? He said, according to Simeone. "This is not a marine mammal!"

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