A solar probe photographed the Earth at a distance of 43 million kilometers (PHOTO)


Солнечный зонд заснял Землю с дистанции in 43 миллиона километров (ФОТО)

Parker's Solar Probe solar probe, launched on August 12, 2018, must be sent to the Sun.

Over the next seven years, the unit will have to replace the 24 orbits around the star, each time getting closer to it (in one of the approaches, it will be from the Sun at a distance of about six million kilometers) .

In September, NASA released the first photo of the Parker Solar Probe. Now, the agency has shared a photo that was made by Probe 25 and September where you can see that the Earth is the bright spot among countless stars. The photo was taken by the WISPR camera (wide field imager for solar probe), which is used mainly by the camera to take pictures of the structure of the upper solar atmosphere – corona, reports bigmir.

Солнечный зонд заснял Землю с дистанции in 43 миллиона километров (ФОТО)

When Parker Solar Probe created this image, it was about 43 million kilometers from Earth. Since then, he has already flown near Venus – she helped the probe adjust the trajectory, so that he could get close enough to the Sun. According to forecasts, Parker should start operating on October 31st: the unit should study the star until November 11th.

Let's remember that five thousand robots will study black energy.

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