A southwestern flight made an emergency landing after a non-consensual flight case in flight fell into the shadows


Photo: Wilfredo Lee (AP)

If you have ever flown before, you know the following feeling: when looking for your seat, you hope and pray that the person next to you is not a weird one who does not understand the concept of personal space. Normally, we are rather lucky. But on Tuesday, a southwestern plane had to land urgently because of a man's insistence that he play football with his siege mate.

It sounds silly at first, but the details of the event quickly become quite disturbing. Justice Minister Justin Brafford, a 29-year-old Texan, is charged with common assault and intimidate members of a flight crew because things got out of hand.

You see, on the Los Angeles-Dallas flight, Brafford was sitting next to a woman with whom he decided that he really needed to play football. This is probably the nightmare of all women: dear lord, I'm trapped in this piece of flying metal that has nowhere to go and this strange guy next to me keeps rubbing his feet against mine.

Things just got worse from there. According to the woman, Brafford also reportedly began to plunge into verbal harassment when she began to look uncomfortable. After warning her not to "get angry with me", a stewardess agreed to exchange the woman's seat.

But Brafford was not done. See, after the woman has been reassigned, he confronted her. The flight attendants tried to get him back quietly to his seat, but Brafford went crazy. He plunged into a glowing speech against the flight attendant who had become so terrifying that the pilot had diverted the plane to Albuquerque so that Brafford could be escorted off the plane by the police.

According to the authorities, this speech was due to illicit substances. Brafford claimed that he was receiving "calls" from God after using methamphetamines the day before the robbery – and after a heroin overdose over the weekend. I do not know what God and drugs had to do with an aggressive football game, but Brafford now faces 20 years in jail and a $ 250,000 fine for his shenanigans, because playing with a flight crew is a federal offense .

Southwest officials reaffirmed that the comfort and safety of their passengers was their top priority and that the flight had continued to Dallas Love Field without incident after Brafford's withdrawal.

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