A southwestern flight performs an emergency landing after the passenger has played an undesirable "footsie" game.


A southwestern flight Tuesday was baffled after a Texas man aboard played an unwanted part of "footsie" with a passenger sitting next to him and had a confrontation with the crew of driving, announced the authorities.

Justin Riley Brafford, 29, remains in the hands of the federal government in New Mexico and faces criminal interference with a flight crew and a misdemeanor charge, according to the Dallas Morning News.

Brafford and the woman, identified as being MW, were seated next to each other on the 859 Southwest flight from Los Angeles to Dallas when he would have put his arm on his leg while the l '. plane was preparing to take off, according to a criminal complaint filed in the US District Court. in Albuquerque.

Authorities said the woman was bending over but Brafford got closer and tried to play footsie with her.

An FBI report said Mr. W. had told Brafford to stop kicking and disturbing her and that he had asked her to go out after the robbery, the Albuquerque Journal reported.

Brafford would have replied, murmuring: [expletive] with me."

When Mr. W. changed places, Brafford tried to get a drink from the woman. A flight attendant spoke to him, causing him to go from "zero to sixty seconds," the complaint said.

The pilot was informed of the incident and made an emergency landing in Albuquerque.

Brafford reportedly told authorities that he and the woman were watching videos on his computer and he thought she was flirting with him.

He also reportedly admitted to using methamphetamines the day before the robbery and a heroin overdose on Saturday, the Dallas newspaper reported. He also told the FBI that God spoke to him during the flight.

Brafford incurs up to 20 years in federal prison and a $ 250,000 fine. The charge of assault carries a jail sentence of up to one year and a fine of $ 100,000.

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