A specific genetic mutation has turned humans into excellent cross-country runners


A woman running A genetic mutation that occurred millions of years ago had changed the way modern human ancestors lived. The same broken gene allowed the mice to run faster and longer in a new experiment. ( Mabel Amber | pixabay )

A genetic mutation, millions of years ago, has allowed modern humans to travel long distances, according to a new study.

This unique change in a strand of DNA has completely changed the path of the human species, making forest dwellers hunter-gatherers who eventually dominate the world.

It's in the genes

About 2 to 3 million years ago, a single mutation of the early human species DNA triggered a series of changes in the body, including the ability to travel long distances without feel exhausted This is how humans distinguished themselves from other mammals during the hunter-gatherer phase. Instead of throwing a quick energy boost like a cheetah to catch prey, humans pursue their target until it is too tired to keep running.

The tactics proved effective, especially when African forests became savannas and human ancestors began to evolve considerably. The first hominids, who developed longer and more elastic legs, bigger feet, strong gluteal muscles, lost their fur and widened their sweat glands, which helped to make this species of great runners .

The gene in question is called CMP-Neu5Ac Hydroxylase or CMAH. Other primates such as chimpanzees also possess the gene that helps them build a sugar molecule. However, humans have a broken version.

A new study led by Dr. Ajit Varki, a physician-scientist at the University of California, San Diego, wanted to explore CAMH and its effects on the muscles and racing capabilities of the species. For their experience, Varki and his team placed mice with both normal and broken CMAH on a small treadmill. Ellen Breen, UCSD physiologist, examined the leg muscles of both groups before and after the experiment.

Become an excellent marathon runner

"We evaluated the exercise capacity (mice lacking the CMAH gene) and noted an increase in performance during treadmill tests and after 15 days of voluntary running," said Jon Okerblom, graduate student and author of l & # 39; study.

According to the study, mice that broke down the CMAH, like humans, were able to run 12% faster and 20% longer than those with the normal gene. They also have more blood vessels in the leg muscles that contract longer when they are moving.

The researchers also found that the mice whose gene was broken controlled their oxygen more efficiently.

"Here's some very compelling evidence," said human evolutionist biologist Daniel Lieberman, who was not involved in the study. "It's a compelling part of the puzzle about how humans have become so good."

The study was published in Acts of the Royal Society.

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