"A step in the right direction": Oregon gets a raise in the minimum wage


PORTLAND, ORO – Many Oregonians have had a raise today. The minimum wage rose again

Specifically, it rose 75 cents to $ 12 hourly in the Portland area. Elsewhere in Oregon, most rose 50 cents to $ 10.75

The minimum wage differs according to the cost of living of each region

Today, it is the second largest 39, a series of annual increases. The goal is to significantly increase the minimum wage, but slowly. By 2022, the Portlanders will earn at least $ 14.75 by the hour

The people KGW met were all in favor: [TRADUCTION] "Yes, because I earn the minimum wage and I only works part-time, "said Larry Thoman. "I only work three days a week, so it's going to be a very good thing."

"If it does not work, it does not work," says Carlos Martinez, "but if it works, then it's obviously the most ideal thing."

"This is a not in the right direction, "said Jennifer Felice. "I think we need to go further because there are many cities that beat us."

Felice is right.

In fact, the minimum wage in San Francisco has risen to $ 15 the hour today. This makes it the first big American city to demand this salary for all workers.

This move to San Francisco receives mixed reviews.

An article in the San Francisco Chronicle says that restaurant owners and small businesses say they are forced to cut staff and raise prices to be able to pay more for their workers.

Some told the newspaper that they feared to stay afloat.

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