A stone partner, Corsi, in plea bargaining with Mueller


Jérôme Corsi, partner of former Trump Councilor Roger StoneRoger Jason StoneMueller opposes Papadopoulos' desire to delay imprisonment, notes Mueller's "incoherent" tweets: Whitaker's appointment has "no effect" on ongoing court challenge Mueller could turn Trump's easy answers into a difficult situation MORE, is in plea negotiations with a special advocate Robert MuellerRobert Swan MuellerSasse: The United States should applaud Mueller's choice to lead the investigation into Russia, he confirmed to the Associated Press on Friday.

Corsi, conspiracy theorist and conservative writer, has close ties with Stone and President TrumpDonald John TrumpDems is preparing for the main battle. Trump and his family hold a Thanksgiving dinner during the Mar-a-Lago Trump-Roberts quarrel over Thanksgiving PLUS. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he provided Stone, Trump's informal adviser, with research on the Democrats opposition.

The plea negotiations were first reported by the Washington Post.

Negotiations for an advocacy agreement are another indication of the fact that Mueller's investigation into the links between Russia and the Trump campaign focuses on Stone. The special council apparently sought to know how much Stone was aware of the publication of the hacked emails by the Russians and published by Wikileaks in 2016.

Corsi said earlier this month that he thought Mueller would charge him for providing false information to federal investigators despite cooperation with the investigation into Russia.

The special council checked if Corsi knew that WikiLeaks had obtained Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence agents and whether he might have shared information about the communique with Stone, a long-time friend of Trump.

The agreement between Corsi and Mueller's team could lead to a plea of ​​guilty in exchange for leniency, the Post reported. Until now, it is unclear what information he could offer to Mueller.

Corsi said earlier in November that he predicted that WikiLeaks would publish hacked emails because he "understood" it, and not because of any contact he had with the company. founder Julian Assange.

Stone denied having any inappropriate links with Wikileaks or providing information to the Trump campaign prior to e-mailing.

In an email to The Hill, Stone stated that his lawyers had read all of his communications with Corsi and that they "prove that everything I've said under oath about my interaction with Dr. Corsi is true. "

"I stand by my statement before the House Intelligence Committee and I can prove it is the truth if needed," Stone said. "I've had two polygraph tests administered and analyzed by two of the country's leading experts to prove I'm truthful."

Corsi said that he was cooperating with the special advocate for months.

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