Members of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department received a call about a pig the size of a walking mini-horse and lured him home with Doritos. Sean Dowling of Buzz60 has more.

A capture by San Bernardino, California, sheriffs do not need handcuffs. Just a bag of Doritos.

The sheriff's office has received a call about a fugitive pig. Not any pig, but a "the size of a mini-horse", as it was described to them.

Two MPs found the pig – which they nicknamed "Smalls" – and determined where he lived from their previous phone calls.

It's here that the chips with the flavor of Poppin's Jalapeño come into the picture. "They lured him home with Doritos, one of our deputies had in his lunch bag," wrote the sheriff's office in a statement posted on Facebook. "They made a trail and he followed."

Members of San Bernardino posted their capture on Instagram.

Follow Brett Molina on Twitter: @ brettmolina23.

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