A student calls the teacher "The teacher, which is crazy" in the paper, becomes viral


  • Zoey Oxley called her musical performance teacher, John Hendel, "Professor What's Crazy" in an article she submitted for her course. She apologized profusely.
  • The two have not seen each other or spoken to each other since.
  • Hendel tweeted about it and became viral. He told INSIDER that he had accepted his apology.
  • Oxley went viral with a tweet from his own point of view. She told INSIDER that she had made a mental note to change the setting "Professor what is his nut", but forgot.

Tuesday night, Zoey Oxley, a freshman at Ohio University, presented her first article for her music class, closed her laptop and realized that she had changed dramatically.

She had written the teacher's name incorrectly in the column. Instead of writing "Professor John Hendel", she wrote "Professor what is crazy".

"I wrote" Professor what's crazy, "Oxley told INSIDER, explaining that she was using this phrase as a placeholder. "I took a mental note to change it, but I just forgot."

Oxley wrote an email to Hendel apologizing profusely and swearing not to make the same mistake.

Hendel was amused. He tweeted about the incident, and he quickly became viral.

Hendel, a master's student in theater at Ohio University, told INSIDER that he had accepted Oxley's apology.

"Her e-mail was so distressing and so precise, she knew exactly what had happened and how to fix it," he said. "I just thought it was really funny, and I told him," I do not hold you back, I'm fine. "Because I find it funny."

Hendel said he saw Oxley's apology by mail late at night and scanned them without answering. He first assumed that she had made a simple misspelling.

But when evaluating the papers the next day, he saw Oxley's test.

"I'm going through the evaluation papers, and I'm going to the one who says upstairs, Professor, which is crazy," he said. "So I'm going back to e-mail and I answer "Whoa, now I understand. OK. And I told him & # 39; Well, the university would probably want me to talk to you about professionalism and that you correct your paper before submitting it. and all these things. "

Oxley saw Hendel's tweet and decided to publish his own.

"Anyone who knows me knows I would do something like that," Oxley said. "It's the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me."

In her own tweet, she showed photos of the article submitted on Turnitin, the name error, her apology email and Oxley 's response on Twitter.

The class no longer meets for three weeks, but Hendel swore he and Oxley were cool.

"The fact that she [also tweeted about it] somehow said to me, "OK, we are both cool with that. We both think it's funny. Well, he says. I've accepted his apology, no problem. I do not expect it to happen again. "

Hendel said that one of the funniest things about kerfuffle is that it's a two-page essay for an introductory course.

"The stakes are so low on this paper," he said.

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