A study reveals that the sea level in the world could rise 50 feet by the year 2300


Sea level rise due to global warming

According to a new groundbreaking study, the global average sea level could rise up to eight feet by 2100 and up to fifty feet by 2300. L & # 39; The study suggests that if we can not control greenhouse gas emissions from uplift, this will be a major problem. risk to coastal ecosystems around the world. Researchers at the American University Rutgers said that the global average sea level had increased about 0.2 feet since the beginning of the 21st century.st century.

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According to the study recently published in the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, the global average sea level could rise 1.4 to 2.8 feet by 2100, by 2, 8 to 5.4 feet from here 2150 and 6 to 14 feet from here 2300. Moderate greenhouse gas emissions. About 11% of the world's current population of 7.6 billion people live 3 meters above sea level. And rising levels now pose a serious risk to coastal populations, ecosystems and infrastructure.

The new research has estimated that the average sea level is expected to increase by about 6 to 10 inches by 2050, but that it is not expected to increase more than 18 inches. Projections become more sensitive beyond 2050 with respect to greenhouse gas emissions.

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Robert E. Kopp, a professor at Rutgers University, said, "We know a lot about past and future changes in sea level, and a lot of uncertainty. But uncertainty is no reason to ignore the challenge, "he added." It is essential to carefully characterize what is known and what is uncertain to manage the risks associated with it. " sea ​​level rise to the shores of the whole world ". The rise in sea level in the 20th century is absolutely due to global warming caused by man.

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