A study shows why the poo cubes of wombats


A group of Australian scientists studied a group of wombats crushed by cars. The study, conducted exclusively on the digestive tract of wombats "that were euthanized as a result of motor vehicle collisions", aimed to uncover the truth behind a mysterious natural secret that tormented many people's minds for a period of time. indefinite. They wanted to know how and / or why the Wombat poop came out in cubes.

If, as a human being, you want to create a cube with any material, you must train it with your hands. Users of particularly adept feet might try to create a cube, and you might be able to make a rubber cube with the help of your tongue and / or your teeth, but you still have to use your brain. The wombats make cubes with their guts.

NO: I will not post a photo of Wombat poop on SlashGear dot com. If you want to see the Wombat poop, I'm sure you'll know how to find the images yourself.

Patricia J Yang, Miles Chan and David L Hu of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Scott Carver of the University of Tasmania (Australia) conducted a study. According to their results, a wombat poops (verifiably) cubes. Their research also revealed how cubes are pooped.

How do wombats poop?

"In the remaining 8% of the intestine, feces went from a liquid state to a solid state composed of cubes separated by 2 cm in length," says Yang et al.'S research summary. . "This change of shape was due to the elastic properties varying azimuthally of the intestinal wall".

FUN FUN: The wombats are the only known species "able to produce cubes biologically".

But how? HOW did they discover such a thing? It's simple! They just pulled the intestines out of a wombat and filled them with a balloon. It's so obvious!

"By emptying the intestine and swelling it with a long balloon, we found that the local strain ranged from 20% at the corners of the cube to 75% at the edges," the study said. "Thus, the bowel preferably extends on the walls to facilitate the formation of cubes."

TO LEARN MORE: A presentation will be made at the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Fluid Dynamics Division on November 18, 2018, from 5 pm to 5 pm 23. This presentation will be called "Summary: E19.00001 : How do wombats do cubic poop? "And its contents will contain, indeed, images of poo.

This presentation will be part of a larger session entitled "Session E19: Biological Fluid Dynamics: General I" and will be organized by the four researchers listed above and directed by Patricia J Yang. The conference will be held from Sunday 18th to Tuesday 20th November 2018 and will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

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