A stupid question was asked to Jamie Lee Curtis. She gave the most emotionally intelligent answer you'll hear all year long


Absurdly leads look at the business world with a skeptical eye and a language firmly rooted in the cheek.

All those people who talk about their efforts to get where they are.

Some refer to the difficulty with which they tried to seduce good people and tell the right lies.

Some talk of the enormous efforts they made to machine Machiavelli and sabotage their internal adversaries.

I do not decipher the pain of the profession. He is plagued by deception, abuse and deflation of the ego.

But you know that you are entering. You decide (to try) to take care of it.

Too many Hollywood guys, however, insist that they work so hard, darling.

Jamie Lee Curtis is now a symbol of mental health. She is currently enjoying a renewed fame as a horror film star. Halloween.

Because America is not enough to be afraid now.

This week, Curtis was interviewed by the Australian newspaper The project TV show.

What a glorious opportunity to tell Australia how much effort she has deployed in the role of Laurie Strode and how hard she worked, persevering after, oh, a broken rib.

Being an actor in a movie is not a difficult job. It's physical, it can hurt a bit, it can be very emotional. But anyone trying to raise two children and two jobs works much harder than I ever worked a day in my life.

It is encouraging that someone offers a realistic prospect, rather than a self-expanding blot.

Hard working people are those who are trying to survive, not those who are trying to reach the next level of the scale of their desire.

Hard-working people are those who are worried about where the next dollar comes from, not those who are worried about the next million and what they will tell their neighbors if they do not do not have a new BMW this year.

It is worth listening carefully to those who claim to have made millions and billions of "hard work".

After all, science has conclusively revealed that luck plays a huge role in helping a lot to succeed. A much bigger role than hard work. Whatever it is.

Is not there something slightly entertaining when so many people claim to work hard while leaning the 4 hour work week?

So stop boasting about your hard work when the truth is, unlike so many others, that you have a lot of options.

Listen to Curtis, who explains the truth very simply:

I am in Australia People work hard in Australia. They work hard all over the world, but the people and friends that I have here in Australia are working very hard. And so for me to say that it was a difficult job, someone should, literally, tell me to shut up.

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