A surfer dies of a cerebral amoeba


A 29-year-old man died of a "brain amoeba" after visiting the wave pool at a central Texas station.

Fabrizio Stabile, a passionate surfer, began to suffer severe headaches on Sunday, September 16th.

The next day, his mother realized that he could not get out of bed or talk consistently, according to a GoFundMe page created by his family and friends.

He was taken to the hospital and was screened for a "myriad of diseases" before finally giving a positive result for Naegleria fowleri, an amoeba causing a rare and devastating brain infection called primary amoeba meningoencephalitis (WFP). ), according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The infection is usually fatal and often occurs when water contaminated by the amoeba enters the nose of a person.

Stabile had recently swam in the wave pool at BSR Cable Park, a seaside resort in central Texas, according to CBS News.

CDC investigators took samples from the station, which is currently closed.

"At the time of Fabrizio's diagnosis, it was too late to administer the drug that had been provided to three of the only five survivors known in North America," wrote Stephanie Papastephanou, organizer of the GoFundMe page.

The 29-year-old death was pronounced dead Friday, September 21st "because of this devouring amoeba for the brain".

His relatives have created in his memory a foundation dedicated to educating as many people as possible about the infection.

"Please, help us to remember Fabrizio alive," said Stabile's family.

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