A surprise inspection reveals problems in the installation of N.J., where 9 children died of a viral epidemic


Editor's note: Do you have a family member in the pediatric unit at the Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center or a child affected by the virus outbreak? NJ.com would like to hear from you. You can reach us at (732) 902-4559, or write to Susan Livio at [email protected], Spencer Kent at [email protected] or Ted Sherman at [email protected].

The state issued a new inspection report for the Wanaque Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Haskell, where nine children died of a serious outbreak of the virus and more than a dozen other patients, revealing gaps in hand washing and infection control.

In one case, a nurse who treated a patient put on gloves, touched the patient's gastrostomy tube (a probe inserted into the abdomen that directly feeds the stomach), repositioned the resident, and then removed his gloves without hand hygiene, then touched the tube connected to the resident's tracheostomy tube and ventilator. "

At the same time, Health Commissioner Shereef Elnahal asked if the standards established by the Medicare and Medicaid centers for patient care should be reviewed.

"Some findings raise questions about whether these broad standards of long-term care are optimal for this vulnerable population of medically-fragile children," Elnahal said. "I will be participating in discussions with CMS to identify ways to better align standards for these pediatric long-term care facilities"

Health officials note that CMS is already asking long-term care facilities to have an "Infection Prevention Specialist" on site, responsible for infection control control programs. This mandate begins in November 2019.

"I am encouraged by this new requirement of the CMS, and we must also determine whether we can do more, as health officials, to protect immunocompromised children, such as those served at the Wanaque Center," Elnahal said.

To date, 26 confirmed pediatric cases associated with the outbreak of adenovirus in the facility have been confirmed. In addition, a staff member – who has since recovered – has also fallen ill during the outbreak.

Those who died, as well as others who remained ill, were pediatric patients whose ages ranged from toddler age to adolescent age, many of whom had ventilators with compromised immune systems – some with developmental disorders or serious health problems. All became ill between September 26 and October 22, health officials said.

The state said it was informed of the outbreak of adenovirus on October 9.

The adenovirus is usually a mild disease that mimics the symptoms of flu and cold, but can pose serious complications to some people, especially those with weakened immune systems.

The health department conducted an unannounced inspection of the facility on 21 October. According to the report of this visit, a review of the medical records of the deceased revealed that prior to hospitalization, it was indicated that they were being monitored for fever and treated alternately with Tylenol. with ibuprofen and antibiotics administered by order of a doctor.

During the inspection, the State confirmed the presence of single-use wipes, disinfectants, masks, gloves and disposable gowns in each wing and primarily in each room, which staff and staff visitors could use before entering the room.

The report states that there are also adenovirus guidelines for visible visitors in every room, warning visitors not to go where they are sick and observing staff cleaning the rooms with signs. germicidal cleaning solutions. A review of the facility's records showed that a memo had been sent on October 8, informing all staff of the intensive maintenance and disinfection of the pediatric unit and classrooms.

"In addition, the facility had good communication with doctors and hospital hosts," the report says.

However, the report noted deficiencies in handwashing procedures, as staff members did not wash their hands long enough. In another case, a nurse came out of a room without first being occupied with hand hygiene and went to the room of a nurse. Another patient to open the window, again without being busy with hand hygiene, and went to his medicine cart.

Elnahal said his department was working closely with the center on infection control issues since the outbreak's declaration, including having a member of the agency's communicable disease department at the site.

"In addition, in November, we are deploying a team of infection control experts and epidemiologists to conduct training and evaluate infection control procedures in Wanaque and similar facilities." he declared.

Rowena Bautista, Wanaque Center Administrator, did not respond to requests for comment.

The Wanaque Center in North Passaic County is a 227-bed nursing home, a rehabilitation center and a pediatric center offering short- and long-term care.

Authorized for 92 pediatric beds, state officials said the facility had agreed to stop admitting new patients until the end of the epidemic. He also set up a hotline 24/7 for the families concerned. The Wanaque Center also offers professional bereavement counseling to all those affected.

Spencer Kent can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerMKent. Find the NJ.com site on Facebook.

You can contact Ted Sherman at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @TedShermanSL. Facebook: @ TedSherman.reporter. Find NJ.com on Facebook.

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