A surviving eye of cancer and his nose insulted by the business of SC


A man from South Carolina who lost his left eye and nose due to cancer faces a new battle.

His life is not at stake, but Kirby Evans is fighting for his dignity after WTVD reported that the cancer survivor had been asked to leave a company in the area although he was not covering his face.

The owner of the convenience store where the incident occurred has made her first public comments explaining why she wanted Evans to mask her appearance.

The incident occurred on October 8 at Forks Pit Stop in Walterboro, according to Evans' daughter, Brandy Evans. She launched a social media campaign claiming that her father was discriminated against.

After buying donuts and a drink and taking a seat at a table, Brandy wrote on Facebook that her father had been confronted with the store's owner, Donna Crosby, claiming that she "had caught her by her shirt and had shot in his office ". Once arrived, Kirby Evans was told that he should cover himself if he was going to eat there, according to Brandy's post.

"The words that came out of his mouth have hurt me so much," Evans said on Oct. 12, according to the WCIV. "How can a person eat something with his face covered?"

Crosby denies getting his hands on Evans and his recollection of the conversation is less confrontational, although she admits to having asked her client to cover her face.

"I've never touched it," Crosby said after providing surveillance footage to WCSC. "I asked him if the doctor might have placed an eye patch or an object that would allow him to cover the hole in his face every time he came to dinner at the Forks."

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That would not be a solution, according to Brandy.

"My father can not cover his face with an eye patch. He rubs his orbit at the eye and at the place where his nose was. It must remain open and nothing should touch this area that could rub it brutally, "wrote Brandy on Facebook.

Crosby says that she wants to keep Evans as a customer, but she does not want to lose other customers because of her appearance.

"I've had clients complaining. I have seen customers get up, throw their plates in the trash and go out, "said Crosby, WCSC reported. "It affected (my) affairs."

Evans has already said that he would never go to the store, reported WCIV.

Advertising surrounding this incident could be detrimental to Crosby's operations. In addition to Brandy's social media messages, calls have been made to boycott Forks Pit Stop.

Among them is a member of the secessionist party of South Carolina, the most known group for the annual throwing of the Confederate flag at a ceremony at the S.C. State House. The group called for a boycott because it says, "South Carolina is not the place for such foolish, inconsiderate and petty behavior."

Another person posted on Facebook that Crosby should face criminal charges.

Brandy's initial Facebook post on the incident became viral, with more than 4,300 comments, many of which criticized Crosby and his company. He also collected nearly 9,000 reactions and nearly 13,000 shares from Tuesday night.

An anti-discrimination campaign was launched on exchange.org, calling on President Donald Trump, US Senator Lindsey Graham and South American Governor Henry McMaster, among others, to join Evans.

More important is the money collected in a GoFundMe created by Brandy and entitled "Cancer does not discriminate". Money has no specific purpose, but the campaign is described as "medical". "My dad also has a fixed income and can not afford the surgeries that he would have to take to repair his nose."

GoFundMe exceeded its goal of $ 75,000 in six days. Tuesday night he raised $ 77,646 out of 2,588 donations.

Shortly after Crosby made his comments Tuesday, Brandy posted a message on Facebook saying, "The words are sharper than a knife. A knife can be removed, the words are embedded in our soul. "

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