A sweet mannose supplement could help fight cancer



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Mannose is available in addition, but is also naturally found in fruits such as cranberries

A study in mice suggests that a nutritional supplement could slow the development of some cancers and enhance the effects of treatment.

Mice with pancreatic, lung or skin cancer received mannose, a sugar also present in cranberries and other fruits.

The researchers found that it significantly slowed the growth of their tumors, with no obvious side effects.

However, patients are told not to start mannose supplementation because of the risk of side effects.

Scientists hope to test the supplement in humans soon.

Mannose, which can be purchased at health food stores and is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections, may hinder the growth of tumors.

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& # 39; Perfect balance & # 39;

Scientists have also studied the impact of mannose on cancer treatment by administering it to mice treated with two of the most used chemotherapy drugs, cisplatin and doxorubicin.

They found that it reinforced the effects of chemotherapy, slowing the growth of tumors and reducing their size. It has also increased the life of some mice.

In subsequent tests, cells from other types of cancer, including leukemia, osteosarcoma (bone cancer), ovarian cancer and bowel were exposed mannose in the laboratory.

Some cells responded well, others did not.

The quality of cell response seemed to depend on the levels of an enzyme that breaks down mannose.

Lead author, Professor Kevin Ryan, of the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, said his team had discovered a dose of mannose "that could block enough glucose to slow tumor growth in mice, but not so much that normal tissues were affected.

The bodies need glucose for their energy, but cancerous tumors also use it to fuel their growth.

"This is a preliminary study but it is hoped that the search for this perfect balance will in the future give mannose to cancer patients to improve chemotherapy without harming the patient." their overall health, "he said.

Supplement warning

One of the benefits of mannose is that it costs less than drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies.

And Professor Ryan said that he hoped that tests in people could start soon.

However, he and other experts warned that the results did not mean that people with cancer should start taking mannose.

Martin Ledwick, Chief Nursing Officer at Cancer Research UK, said: "Although these results are very promising for the future of some cancer treatments, this research is still preliminary and has not been tested yet. l & # 39; man.

"Patients should not self-prescribe mannose because there is a real risk of side effects that have not been tested yet.

"It's important to consult a doctor before drastically changing your diet or taking new supplements."

Professor Ryan said his team would then look to determine why mannose was working in some cancer cells and not in others, to determine which patients might benefit the most.

The research is published in the journal Nature.

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