A tale of five squirrels: veterinarians unraveling 'Gordian Knot & # 39; rodents | American News


In the state of Wisconsin, USA, it was the worst time for five young brothers and sisters of gray squirrels, as their stories became potentially life threatening with grass, plastic and each other.

The rodents found themselves trapped in the nest their mother had built, after their tales turned into a giant knot.

A "caring researcher" found the infants, known as kits, and took them to the Wisconsin Humane Society's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.

"You can imagine how frightened and agonizing this scared squirrel energy ball was and was unruly (and nippy!), So our first step was to anesthetize them at the same time," the center wrote on its Facebook page. .

With the animals out, the center began to unravel the "Gordian knot" of tight tails and nesting material.

The five squirrels recovered after their anesthesia.

The five squirrels recovered after their anesthesia. Photo: Wisconsin Humane Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

"It was impossible to tell who the tail belonged to, and we were more and more worried because everyone had suffered varying degrees of tissue damage to the tail caused by circulatory impairment," said the center.

After about 20 minutes of careful cutting, the knot began to unravel and the squirrels had to recover from their anesthesia.

Squirrels seem to be unaffected by their experience.

Squirrels seem to be unaffected by their experience. Photo: Wisconsin Humane Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

"Now, one day later, they all have bright eyes, and three of the five are" bushy tail ", but we will need to watch them all for a few days to monitor the necrosis of the tail caused by blood spotting. flow, "said the center.

Gray squirrels are part of the rodent family and can reach 50 cm in length. They live throughout Wisconsin, preferring mature deciduous forests where they feed on acorns, hickory nuts and nuts.

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