A teenager accused of stabbing a girl at Warren Fitzgerald High School


WARREN, Michigan (WXYZ) – The teenager accused of stabbing her classmate on Wednesday morning at Fitzgerald High School in Warren was officially charged on Friday afternoon.

Tanaya Lewis, 17, faces a charge of first degree murder for allegedly stabbing 16-year-old Danyna Gibson.

According to police, friends and family, the motive for the assault was a dispute over a boyfriend.

In court, prosecutors say that during a classroom transition, Lewis approached Danyna, fabricated a kitchen knife vertically and stabbed her twice in the upper half of the room. Her chest.

While Danyna was running away, prosecutors say that Lewis chased her and stabbed her with a fist at the back that punctured her lung.

Prosecutors also say that Lewis was repelled by a teacher, but tried to bypass the professor and shouted, "I'm going to kill her".

According to witnesses, Lewis smiled and laughed after being stabbed.

Lewis is being held without bail and will appear in court later this month.

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