A teenager deemed suicidal by tyrants expresses


According to the CDC, suicide is the third leading cause of death among children aged 10 to 24 years. From online fishing to school bullying, teens suffer more than ever from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Fox News' Dr. Manny Alvarez met a teenager who was recently bullied and had her own suicidal thoughts about how she was able to prevent her suicidal thoughts from becoming a reality.

Emily Odesser, 18, of New York, says she has been repeatedly persecuted by a group of her own friends in high school and high school. She alleges that they would talk behind her back, organize parties without inviting her, refuse to let her sit with them at lunchtime and make "a steady stream of blows, intended to give me the impression of being the intruder '.

"I think there's this idea that bullying in high school is like pushing someone into a locker and that it was not like that," Odesser told Fox News. "I was a bit ostracized for whatever reason, there was just some kind of message still being broadcast in the band, that I was not friendly and that I was not friendly and that I was ugly.

Odesser was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and said she still manages both conditions with medication and therapy today.

"It's been a normal part of my life, I've been experimenting with it for a while, I do not even really like to use the word suffering, but there's been a lot of trauma in high school and high school as a result of it. intimidation and I am still through these to this day, "said Odesser.

16% of students said they had seriously considered suicide, 13% said they had developed a plan.


A national survey of high school students found that 16% of students seriously considered suicide, 13% said they had developed a plan, and 8% attempted suicide in the 12 months before the # 39; investigation.

Although Odesser said she had never attempted suicide, it was "a constant flow of thoughts".

"I have never been able to make any serious attempts or projects, but I remember it was kind of a morbid obsession," said Odesser. "When I was walking to school and seeing a car next to me, I would say," Oh, if I go right in front, I can end that, " [or] I would see a knife in the kitchen and I would say, "If I just use this knife, I could stop it."

The CDC reports that suicide among young adults has almost tripled since the 1940s.

"Suicide is largely responsible for our mental health," said Dr. Christine Moutier, psychiatrist and chief doctor of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Fox News. "Bullying is a factor, but there are many other things that can interact with a person's mental health."

More than half of those who committed suicide did not have known mental health problems. Other problems that may become a suicide factor may be related to relationships, substance use, physical health, work, money, entitlement or housing stress.

One of the key things to consider when talking to a loved one who is considering suicide is to illustrate that there is no shame in a form of suffering or challenge, said Moutier.

"If they tell you that they are suffering, you have to ask them if they intend to end their lives and you have to make sure that your child knows very well that you are not Are not there to judge them, "said Moutier. I said. "Give them a line of hope and tell them you will not leave them alone."

Although therapy and medication have helped Odesser overcome her mental health problems, she acknowledges that her discovery of an online community has made her feel like she's not the only one dealing with this kind of problems.

"I found a lot of my community online when my friends treated me badly," Odesser said. "I would go on Tumblr and Instagram. You can ask questions and someone sent me a message while he was planning to commit suicide, talking about my experiences, it was the beginning of everything.

Odesser said finding someone you trust to talk about was a crucial moment in his recovery. She later became involved in the Sad Girls Club, an online platform for girls of all ages to feel comfortable talking about their mental health experiences.

If you think that a person you love may have suicidal thoughts, there are warning signs to watch out for, said Moutier.

"They are not going to come to you and say 'I'm thinking of ending my life today,' you have to look for clues that they behave differently from their habits," she explained.

"Like withdrawing, not appearing, dressing differently, behaving differently, clues that they start to feel desperate, trapped or that they feel they are a burden to others."

You do not have to live your life to avenge yourself, the best revenge is to heal …

– Emily Odesser

As the country continues to eliminate the negative stigma surrounding mental health issues, it is important for those who think about suicide to find an outlet in which they can share their feelings, be it a person, a newspaper or a phone line.

"If I saw myself five years ago, I would never have thought that I would have been able to find that community in which I felt like I belonged", she said. "You do not have to live your life to get revenge, the best revenge is to heal and you do not have to prove yourself" Well, if I left, I'll miss them at last ", there are in other ways. "

National Suicide Prevention Number: 800-273-TALK

Lindsay Carlton is a video producer and senior writer for Fox Digital Originals. Follow her on Twitter @LCCARLTON

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