A toddler accidentally shreds up to $ 1,000 from his parents' savings


Leo Belnap's parents have learned a valuable lesson in hiding their savings.

When Ben Belnap received subscription cards from his parents to visit his dear Utah Utes, he decided to pay them back, according to NBC News. Ben and his wife, Jackee, started saving money to give to his parents as a sign of appreciation for their gift. The couple kept the savings in an envelope that, once ready to repay Ben's parents, had mysteriously disappeared.

They were desperately looking for money and returned many items home, in the hope that the envelope would have slipped them inadvertently. But everywhere they looked – whether under the carpet or on the couch – the couple was disappointed.

That is, until Jackee glances inside the shredder, where $ 1,060 in cash has been converted into tiny paper strips.

"I search the trash and yell, saying, 'I found it,' said NBC Ben, of Holladay, in Utah." She is holding the shredder and she says, "I think that the money is in it. "We started laughing, we were just surprised that it could happen.

Guilty party? Leo, the 2-year-old son of the couple.

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"As devastated and sick as we were, it's one of those moments when you have to laugh," Jackee told ABC 4.

"Honestly in my heart, I once said that it was going to be really funny," Ben agreed.

But all is not lost, however, since the couple said they had been in contact with the US Treasury Department, which told them they might be able to replace shredded money.

"Most people say, oh, a child drew a pencil on the wall or something," Ben told NBC. "I've never heard of a kid tearing a big one."

Of course, Leo will probably hear about this fun story in the coming years, especially if he asks why he can not use the shredder.

"We have a lot of Leo moments," added Jackee. "Most of them are just funny, and we laugh about it for days and big jokes, but it was one of those moments that was not his best, but we love him." . "

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