A family in Utah said his child had shredded an envelope containing more than $ 1,000 in cash, intended to pay for football season tickets, according to local media reports.

Ben and Jackee Belnap – from Holladay, Utah – told KTVX that they had saved about a year to pay their football season tickets from the University of Utah. They had withdrawn the money to repay the notes to a family member and placed the money in an envelope.

But over the weekend, the envelope is gone, the couple told KSL-TV. They searched the house – even in the trash – in search of missing money, they told the station.

Soon, Jackee brandished a shredder: "I think the money is there," recalls Ben.

When they opened the shredder, they discovered that he had decided to shred something on his own: the envelope filled with hard-earned money.

Their 2-year-old son, Leo, had already used the shredder under the supervision of his parents, they told KSL.

"Yup 2 years shredded $ 1,060," tweeted Ben Tuesday.

The initial reaction of the couple? To laugh. Then some tears.

"We started laughing, we were just puzzled that it could happen," Ben told KSL.

"I cried for a minute.You can not say that we just laughed," Jackee corrected with a smile.

The Belnaps might not lose this money forever. The couple told the chain that a government office that deals with mutilated money could replace money, KTVX reports.

The US Treasury Department print and print office can work with people who have mutilated money. Examples include water damaged or burned money, according to the office website.

The process takes between six months and three years, says the site.

Still, Leo is not allowed to use the shredder for now, the Belnap told KTVX.

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