A toddler shreds more than $ 1,000 that his parents saved to pay a debt


Ben and Jackee Belnap, of Halladay, were saving money to repay Ben's parents to football season tickets from the University of Utah. The $ 1,060 was ready in an envelope, but they were left in search of the house when it disappeared over the weekend.

"I search the trash and yell and say, 'I found it,'" said Ben to KSL, a subsidiary of CNN. "She is holding the shredder and she says:" I think the money is in it. "

When the couple emptied the container, their money flowed like confetti.

"We're just talking for about five minutes, not to mention," Jackee told KSL. "We did not know what to do and then I broke the silence and I thought," Well, it'll make a beautiful wedding story one day. ""

Who shred money?

The couple suspects their curious little kid, Leo, to copy what he's seen his mother do.

"Leo helps me shred junk mail and anything that bears our name or important documents that we want to get rid of," she said.

There is good news for the family, though. They can submit the money to the Mutilated Currency Division of the US Treasury Department for exchange.

It will take some time for the department to collect everything and check the amount.

"I called the guy the next morning and he said," Oh, maybe we could help here "and I was shocked," Ben said. He said: "Put it in small Ziploc bags, send it to D.C., and in one to two years you'll get your money back."

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