A trophy hunter criticized for dead giraffe posture in South Africa


An American hunter was criticized after photos taken in South Africa of his pose with a dead giraffe became viral.

Images of the woman, identified as Tess Thompson Talley, posted on the AfricaDigest Twitter account last month She described him as an "American white savage" and called on people to unite for protect wildlife.

But Ms. Talley defended the murder in a statement cited by CBS News.

She said that the trophy really helped conservation because by killing the old male giraffe, she had prevented him from attacking the young giraffes. "Now that the giraffe is gone, young bulls are able to reproduce.This is called conservation by game management."

Ms. Talley chased the giraffe, which could supply about 2,000 pounds (907kg) of meat last year.

USA Today Cites a Deleted Post on Facebook She said, "The prayers for my dream hunt once in life have come true today! I spotted this rare black giraffe bull and I tracked him down for a while. "

There is no species of Nature giraffe (IUCN).

Hollywood actress Debra Messing is among those on social media for asking why it was necessary to kill an animal "to have fun."

British comedian Ricky Gervais mocked Talley's decision to hunt giraffe in a twee

Trophy hunting and related activities became controversial topics in South Africa where one thinks that they will bring home $ 2 billion (£ 1.5 billion) a year.

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Ecologists worry about the impact on conservation and bio -diversity as well as the ethics of the case

Legend of the media Trophy hunting brings a lot to the South African economy

The IUCN considers the giraffe as "vulnerable", but notes that in southern Africa its population is increasing due to ecotourism and that the giraffe is a source of food

Trophy hunters have been criticized before: [19659018] In 2015, another American hunter, Rebecca Francis, was photographed smiling near a dead giraffe.

  • The same year, the murder of Cecil the lion just outside Zimbabwe The Hwange Protected National Park made headlines around the world.
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