A vandalism suspect at the New York Synagogue is a former anti-hate trainee at City Hall


Luke Rosiak | Investigative journalist

  • The suspect in an act of vandalism at the synagogue that forced the cancellation of a Democratic event is apparently a former City Hall employee who has worked on issues relating to crimes motivated by the hate and who is a Democratic activist, learned the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • The New York Times and a Jewish couple helped the impoverished gay black boy go to college where he studied African-American studies, according to the Times.
  • According to his Facebook profile, he blamed the New York liberals for being patronizing and lofty against Israel and cultural appropriation.
  • Before knowing his identity, politicians said that vandalism showed why it was necessary to vote Democrat and highlighted government programs to combat such incidents.

The suspect in the vandalism of a synagogue in New York was a Democratic activist and former intern at City Hall who was working on issues related to hate crimes, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

It is a black man "homosexual" adopted informally by a Jewish couple. According to the NGO 2017, the charity The New Times Times, The Neediest Cases, helped him go to the university, his studies being mainly focused on African studies. US. profile.

A political event with two Democratic candidates at the Union Temple in Brooklyn was canceled on Friday after participants found graffiti bearing the inscriptions "Die Jew Rats" and "Hitler", which, according to Lt. one of the candidates, stressed the need to vote "hate". Police arrested 26 – James Polite, one year later in the night, based on surveillance footage.

A year ago, The New York Times had introduced Polite, pointing out that he was a young LGBT foster family who "could challenge statistics" after becoming "the adopted child of the Quinn administration ", as did Christine Quinn, then president of the city of New York. advice, put it on. "And it was not just me. That was all the staff of the city council.

James Polite / Facebook

James Polite / Facebook

In the 2017 profile, the New York Times told Polite, who asked to join the foster care system after her mother provided her with "unhealthy" conditions, "was interned with Ms. Quinn, a Democrat from Manhattan, working for several years on combating hate crimes, sexual assault and domestic violence. He also took part in his re-election campaign in 2009 and came back to help him in his bid to be mayor in 2013 ".

James Polite / Facebook

James Polite / Facebook

His Facebook profile, reviewed by TheDCNF, shows that on November 1, a day before the vandalism of the synagogue, he posted "A dream with eyes wide open. the civil war is here. Nobody must die. Mexico, Latin America, Black Pigs of the Caribbean and Jews. A person has touched all this shit while smoking.

On November 1 at 3:46 am, Polite posted on a mobile phone a burning American flag, with the caption: "Sometimes it takes a little heat to develop." The police suspect him of lighting fires at "seven shuls and yeshivas in Williamsburg" that same night, before the vandalism of the temple. Security images have also captured this.

The photos and biographical information of the Facebook profile reveal that he is the same man in the New York Times profile. His URL includes James Polite, but he changed his name online to Abraham Aali.

The Times' profile stated that the New York counselor had helped Polite to enter the university:

Ms. Quinn wrote a letter of recommendation to Mr. Polite at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass., And then called his chair. Council staff members even drove the day of the move.

"We did everything we could to cross the finish line," Quinn said. "But I did not care. He had worked so hard all his life and he needed a break. "

Polite said his experience working with Ms. Quinn and the presidential campaign had changed her trajectory. Otherwise, he said, "I probably would not have gone to college."

James Polite / Facebook

James Polite / Facebook

The Times charity, "The New York Times' Most Challenging Case Fund, took over Mr. Polite's case" while leaving the foster care system and helping him to attend Brandeis.

"Polite is hoping to get a degree in African American Studies and Political Science in May and has taken two courses this summer to stay in the race," says the profile. "In June, Children's Aid used $ 856 from the Neediest Fund. Boxes for school supplies and expenses not covered by its financial assistance program. "

On Facebook, he shared an article hosted on the Journal of Black Studies' Brandeis website on "Witchcraft, Race and Resistance in Colonial New England," noting that "whites accused blacks of the crime of witchcraft." in New England ".

The Times' profile also represented Polite alongside a smiling couple, Joshua Waletzky and Jenny Levison. They "wanted to create a" L.G.B.T.Q. young people on the verge of aging in the system, "writes the Times." Although Mr. Polite has not been legally adopted – his relationship with his biological parents has improved in recent years – Ms. Levison it qualifies as "moral adoption". He says that he considers the couple as his second parent. " (RELATED: Pittsburgh Synagogue A shooting suspect appears in court and begins his plea)

The Times corrected the profile: "An earlier version of this article was an incomplete reference to the kind of youth Josh Waletzky and Jenny Levison were trying to promote. It was a "L.G.B.T.Q. youth "about to age, not just a young gay."

But on Facebook, Polite is mocking these "hipsters" as naive gentrifiers who are looking to feel good. In a note, at the bottom of which he named Waletzky and Levison, he wrote:

Yes, she is competing with the bubble people that POC can hire. It's starting to look like whites who realize six figures for their lives of sacrifices for the benefit of POC. Yes, they know what you are going to say. As soon as they find a safe token, they will be sure to objectify it and brandish it as an expensive drink, adapted to the culture.

They are back to Hipster Manifest Density with a new art. Something in Spanish features a native who could have been the native who died on the earth with a view for which they and their friends in the bubble would die. A map identical to that which arrived in their isolated section of East Granolaville section of Eveywhitesuburb, USA. The blood flows like rainwater that has danced on the clay.

The blood leaves its holder in the act while she gets paid subscription, I did my part for these POC. They bring to their macs a translucent hand sanitizer whose blood is dried by the heat of the turbines that cool the minerals with the blood. This goes unnoticed at the corner of the office of the Race Pimp industrial complex.

Before we knew that the suspect was a Democratic activist paid by taxpayers for working on hate – motivated crimes, New York 's Democratic governor, Andrew Cuomo, had asked the task force to' hate him '. State-based hate crimes investigate additional grant program of $ 10 million to help protect New York's non-public schools and cultural centers, including religious institutions. The disgusting rhetoric and hateful violence in this country have reached their peak and are tearing the structure of America. "

And one of the two New York Democratic candidates expressing himself at the event, Jim Gaughran, said:

This incident highlighted the need to change our current political climate. Hatred, fanaticism and fear have become commonplace in today's society and this must change. This change will not happen alone. He is ours! That is why it is so important that everyone present vote in Tuesday's election so that we can stop the spread of hatred.

Quinn did not immediately return a request for comment.

In other publications on Facebook, Polite recounts Israel and publishes articles on Palestinian causes. On October 11, he issued a message "Apolipis for all that hurt the world that I posted and that offended my friends. There is a way to reject Zionism without being anti-Semitic. "

James Polite / Facebook

No one answered the phone at a number listed for Josh Waletzky.

The Times did not immediately respond to CDNF's request.

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