A victim of a teenage shark attack says that he is a miracle boy who survived


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SAN DIEGO – The mother of a 13-year-old boy who suffered a big shark bite while fishing for lobster in California said Monday that it was a miracle that his son had survived.

Keane Webre-Hayes ate a cup of noodles and a donut. She speaks and is alert, said her mother, Ellie Hayes. He is eager to start playing baseball again and return to the ocean.

Someone brought him a mask and a snorkel at the Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego, and he said that he was not afraid of the water.

"He said:" Mom, the chances are so much slimmer in the second mouthful, "she told laughing laughter at the journalists who had heard her speak publicly about the boyfriend. Saturday attack for the first time.

Hayes said she was standing on a cliff in the parking lot when she heard the commotion, even though she did not see the shark.

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