A video shows a meteorologist exaggerating Hurricane Florence



A video that went viral Friday showed that a meteorologist was getting ready as the hurricane winds of Florence hurricane threatened to knock him out. The scene seemed heartbreaking – until two guys strolled casually in the background.

The Twitter user @gourdnibler and others shared the clip, which stars Mike Seidel of Weather Channel as a dramatic meteorologist.

Seriously, many were in agreement, give the guy an Oscar.

Here is the version of YouTube (complete with a multitude of comments condemning it as "false news"):

This does not mean that the dangers of Hurricane Florence are not serious. The storm caused winds of 90 km / h and rains that probably will not have stopped for days in the Carolinas.

And covering a weather event like a hurricane is also very difficult. The Weather Channel has clearly expressed its views on BuzzFeed News about Seidel's viral video.

"It is important to note that the two individuals in the background are walking on concrete, and Mike Seidel is trying to keep his foot on the wet grass, after reporting to the antenna until 1:00 am in the morning this morning and is undoubtedly exhausted. " I said.

But as Mashable notes, the real danger of the hurricane lies in the potential rainfall rather than the strength of the wind, Seidel can therefore mitigate the dramatic effects. The good news? He is in great company, because many weather people before him have exaggerated the conditions.

H / T Mashable

Kris Seavers

Kris Seavers

Kris Seavers is the editor of the Daily Dot, where she covers issues of politics, politics and LGBTQ. His work has been published in Central Texas publications, including Austin Monthly and San Antonio Magazine, as well as on NPR.

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