A volcanic eruption on Mars? Nope.


It's just a cloud. A very long cloud.

Photo taken by the European Space Agency's Mars Express satellite, showing an elongated white plume that looks like a volcanic ejecta.CreditCreditESA / GCP / UPV / EHU Bilbao
Kenneth Chang

A photograph of a spacecraft orbiting Mars shows a long white wisp, nearly a thousand kilometers long, coming out of a giant volcano.

The volcano, supposed to be dormant for about 50 million years, could it be about to blow?

Planetary scientists say with confidence that no.

"It's just a cloud," said Eldar Noe Dobrea, a scientist at the Institute of Planetary Science, who based in Tucson, Arizona.

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This week, the European Space Agency has released a photo taken by its Mars Express orbiter showing what it described as "a curious cloud formation" extending from east to west close to Arsia Mons, in the extreme south of a chain of three volcanoes.

Arsia Mons is 12 miles high and 270 miles wide. It is home to Mauna Loa, the largest volcano on the planet, which is only 6 km high and 75 km wide. (But it's not the biggest volcano on Mars, it's Olympus Mons, which is over 20 km tall and is the largest in the solar system.)

Noe Dobrea said that it was clearly not a volcanic event, because a machine would have detected an increase in methane, sulfur dioxide and other gases that were spreading after eruptions. This is an example of the topography that influences weather conditions.

Meteorologists even have a term to describe this phenomenon: orographic lifting. "It often happens on Earth," said Dr. Eldar Noe Dobrea, referring to the storms that occur frequently in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Clouds form when the charged air is pushed upward along a mountain. The colder and thinner air can not hold as much water, which causes some of the moisture to condense and freeze, thus forming clouds. The air on Mars is much thinner than on Earth, but the rules of meteorological physics apply to it as well.

Mars clouds view taken by the Mars Orbiter mission in 2015.CreditJustin Cowart

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