A white woman calls the police on a black man watching his son's football game


A white woman who called the police on a black man encouraging her son at a football match in Florida earned the nickname "Gail Golfcart".

This is the last incident in which a white woman called the police on a black person while there had been no apparent crime.

Photos of this event were uploaded to Facebook by another parent during the match, Ginger Williams, who said his father "was just trying to watch his son's football game and cheering on him."

According to Williams, the man had just told his son: "The referee is right!" When the woman "decided to move to action and quickly approach this parent to remind him that harassment would not be tolerated".

NBC reports that, although the woman has not yet been identified, the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office confirmed that "Golfcart Gail" was a field marshal at the youth football game.

Even though the father reportedly told the woman that he "only spoke to her son," she "continued to harass and murder her".

"The gentleman offered to leave to avoid a situation," Williams wrote. "As he was starting to get his stuff, Golfcart Gail informed him that she was calling the police because she no longer felt safe with her threatening behavior."

Maria Morales-Walter, another spectator who filmed the meeting, told NBC that when the police arrived, the woman said that the father "was aggressive and he came looking for her".

"I started filming because she would not leave the father alone," she said. "There was no reason she called the cops."

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