A woman claims a receipt, the control panel labeled it with the word "N & # 39; at N.C. Domino & # 39; s


BURLINGTON, N.C. (WFMY) – Myasia Nelson, 20, has reported being discriminated against in a Domino & Pizza Burlington, North Carolina.

According to Nelson, she was expecting a meal with her family on Monday night when she noticed that the control board indicated "NIGA" instead of the name she had given to Domino's employee: Myasia.

"They do not sound the same way, they are not identical words at all," Nelson said.

"Racial discrimination, that's what I felt was that if it was somebody else, they would never have done it."

The WFMY News 2 cameras were powered up while Junior Snyder, Domino's supervisor, apologized to Myasia. Snyder said that the employee in question had been fired.

"We let the guy go, he's no longer working for our company," said Snyder. "I've apologized to them many times and all I can do is make sure it does not happen again, train and make everyone understand that we do not tolerate this. "

Snyder said that the dismissed worker had misspelled the name of Myasia, but that she did not buy that.

"The employee said that he could not hear what she was saying," he asked him twice and apparently he did not know how to spell it and he inserted something, said Snyder.

"Was he fired?" Asked Nelson.

"Yes, I told him wrong or no, you can not work for our company.We are not like that, we love all the customers.That's why we are here," Snyder said.

Myasia said that it was a great awakening for her.

"I do not want my daughter to grow up that is called the words that she wrote about me or that they are called in any way."

Domino's offered Nelson a $ 50 gift card for the test.

"My mother told me not to accept it because those 50 bucks are not worth what they've done to me, so I denied them."

Nelson said that she accepts Snyder's apology, but she really wants an apology from the former employee who typed the offending word.

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