A woman dismissed after the publication of a blatant statement of racist racist accusations is made public


A North Carolina woman was fired after posting online a video of her screaming remarks against two black women, confirmed her former employer at ABC News.

The woman – identified by Ms. Westwood by Charter Communications – was seen in the video interviewing two black women waiting in front of their Charlotte apartment for their car to be maintained.

Leisa and Mary Garris, who live in the Camden Fairview apartments south of Charlotte, said they wait until Oct. 19 for an AAA soldier to land and jump into the vehicle when a stranger approached them, accusing them of wander around. One of the sisters then took out her phone and started recording the meeting, they told ABC Charlotte affiliate WSOC.

"Because it's Myers Park, that's South Park," Westwood told the women on the video, appearing to accuse them of being in the wrong place.

One of the sisters politely replied, "Would you leave us alone and go home?"

Westwood asked, "Do you live here, why do we feel like we have to be here, hang out?"

PHOTO: Leisa and Mary Garris were waiting in front of the Camden Fairview Apartment in Charlotte, North Carolina, Oct. 19, for AAA to repair their vehicle, when a woman started screaming at them, they told WSOC.WABC
Leisa and Mary Garris were waiting on Oct. 19 in front of the Camden Fairview apartment in Charlotte, North Carolina, for AAA to talk to their vehicle when a woman started screaming at them afterwards. WSOC.

Westwood then asked what the Garris sisters were paying for rent and threatened to call 911 to "make sure nothing is happening here."

"I make $ 125,000 a year," she boasted. "I want to make sure you're all here … I got you, my daughter, I'm white."

At one point, Westwood even asked her if she should bring him "hidden weapons".

"It's North Carolina, by the way," she told the women.

One hears one of the sisters say in the video: "You can smell alcohol on her" while Westwoood continues to scream. At another time, one of the sisters tells Westwood that she will call the police because she feels "threatened."

"Okay, we can do it," Westwood replies. "Hi, how are you? I'm hot, I'm beautiful, I'm 51. What are we going to talk about tonight, be warm, be beautiful, be white, my new weave? You here?"

Mary Garris told the WSOC that she and her sister were "still very upset" and "distraught", adding that she thought that they had been targeted because of the color of their skin.

"It's so shocking to know that today we still have that racism declared in 2018," said Mary Garris.

PHOTO: Leisa and Mary Garris were waiting in front of the Camden Fairview Apartment in Charlotte, North Carolina, Oct. 19, for AAA to repair their vehicle when a woman started screaming at them, they told WSOC.WABC
Leisa and Mary Garris were waiting on Oct. 19 in front of the Camden Fairview apartment in Charlotte, North Carolina, for AAA to talk to their vehicle when a woman started screaming at them afterwards. WSOC.

About a week after the video was filmed, WSOC learned that Westwood was an employee of Charter Communications, the cable and telecommunications company that operates under the Spectrum brand.

Charter Communications told ABC News in a statement that Westwood's actions in the video constituted a "flagrant violation of the Charter's Code of Conduct and were unclear of the company's commitment to inclusion and protection." respectful behavior ".

"As such, Ms. Westwood's employee with the company was terminated, with immediate effect."

The Garris sisters are suing Westwood for the incident, WSOC reported. Officers responded to the scene and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department issued four criminal summonses for Westwood, the WSOC reported.

ABC News could not immediately contact Westwood or an information officer at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department for comments.

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