A woman gets a strange hairy black tongue after her legs have been crushed in a car accident


A woman in the United States developed a "black hairy tongue" after a car accident in which she seriously injured both legs. After a week in the hospital, her tongue was discolored and she reported having nausea and a "bad taste in her mouth".

The condition of the woman, who was reported in the NEJM, which developed as a result of a road accident during which she was seriously injured in both legs – they were crushed and an infection developed.

She was treated with antibiotics, especially minocycline. A week after the start of treatment, her tongue became black and doctors suspected the minocycline to be responsible.

"The black hairy tongue is a benign condition characterized by hypertrophy and elongation of filiform papillae on the surface of the tongue, with blackish-brown discoloration," wrote Dr. Yasir Hamad and Dr. David K. Warren of Washington University. , St. Louis. newspaper.

black hairy tongue The 55-year-old woman before and after her antibiotics was arrested. NEJM

"The disease can be associated with multiple factors, including poor oral hygiene, smoking or irritating mouthwashes, and the receipt of antibiotics, particularly tetracyclines. The black hairy tongue is usually reversible and does not show long-term sequelae as long as the precipitating agent is stopped and the patient practices good oral hygiene.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the black hairy tongue is the result of papillae – projections on the tongue – that stop shedding dead skin cells normally. This makes them grow longer and gives the tongue a hairy appearance.

Bacteria and debris then accumulate on "hairy" papillae, resulting in discoloration. Although it may be alarming, the disease is completely benign and normally resolves with good oral hygiene and eliminates any potential cause, such as antibiotics.

In the case of the victim of a car accident, the doctors stopped him taking minocycline and in four weeks his tongue had become normal again.

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