A woman has the language "Black Hairy" after taking antibiotics and it is more common than you think


A Missouri woman was diagnosed with a rare oral disease after being admitted to hospital with injuries in a car accident last year. According to a case report published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 55 years old, was seriously injured in the legs and after the doctors gave her oral antibiotics and intravenous to avoid an infection, she complained of some strange symptoms, namely a "hairy tongue" black". In a bizarre reaction to her antibiotic treatments, the patient first complained of nausea and a strange taste in her mouth. After giving her an oral examination, the doctors discovered that she had developed an illness in which it appears that a person's tongue is covered with thick black hair.

Women's health points out that even though the black hairy tongue is quite dark, it is actually completely harmless and painless – and there are no long-term negative effects on health. The causes may range from antibiotics and radiation treatments to smoking and dehydration, but the disease usually goes away on its own. In this case, the Missouri woman was removed from the antibiotic causing the oral reaction and received another treatment for her infection. Women's health also notes that medicated mouthwashes, antifungal treatments and retinoid preparations are also sometimes used to lighten the black hairy tongue, but they can also disappear on their own.

The study's author, Yasir Hamad, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Washington's School of Medicine in St. Louis, said: The Washington Post this black hairy tongue is far more common than you think – it actually affects up to 13% of the population. He further noted that this is the first case of black hairy language that he has seen during his 10 years of practice, but that it was a "classic case of textbook".

According to the case study, the black hairy tongue is a benign condition in which an accumulation of dead skin cells (and not real hair) on the surface of the tongue causes a black and hairy appearance. The Mayo Clinic further reports that other symptoms of black hairy tongue include discoloration that may also look brown, green, yellow or white, a hairy or hairy appearance on the tongue surface, a strange or metallic taste in the mouth or tickling sensation. Gizmodo also reports that the black hairy tongue is not totally unusual, but that it usually appears yellow, not the super alarming black as in this case.

Gizmodo further notes that it is not very clear that some antibiotic treatments cause a black hairy tongue, but that this could be due to bacterial changes in the mouth. According to the case study, the Missouri patient's tongue happily regained its normal pinkish tinge within four weeks of receiving antibiotic treatment.

If you develop one of the symptoms of the black hairy tongue, do not panic, but consult your doctor if you are unable to brush your tongue and teeth twice a day. Other treatments include smoking cessation and reducing the consumption of coffee and black tea, and also avoid any other food or drink that may contribute to the illness.

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