A woman in a virulent virulent reprimands a man for being "rapist," "illegal"


Esteban Guzman, a 27-year-old system administrator who is also a part-time landscaper, told CNN's Don Lemon that he confronted the unidentified woman after hearing him shout, "Go back to Mexico." " to his mother.

"I said, Hey, what's your problem?" Guzman, who says he was born and raised in the Lake Arrowhead area of ​​Southern California, told Lemon. And she said, "You are all illegal, go back to Mexico." And I say, "I am a citizen of the United States, what are you talking about?

The video, shot by Guzman's mother, of the meeting was posted on Twitter Monday and had collected more than 2 million views by Monday night ..

The pictures show the woman pointing her finger at Guzman's face and reprimanding the California native.

"Why do you hate us?" Guzman asked during the meeting.

"Because you are Mexicans," replied the woman.

"We are honest people here," said Guzman.

"Yes, the rapists," the woman said.

The woman also said, "Even the president of the United States says that you are a rapist."

Guzman told CNN that he had never seen the woman before their confrontation. CNN has not been able to immediately determine the identity of the woman to try to reach him for a comment.

"I'm not that person that, you know, the President of the United States tells me," Guzman told the woman. "People are watching me and they are seeing what he said on TV and it is not true, it is not true for any of us."

In a speech in June 2015 announcing his candidacy, Trump called some Mexican immigrants "rapists."

"When Mexico sends its people, they do not do their best," said Trump in 2015. "They send people who have a lot of problems, and they bring those problems with us." I bring crime, they are rapists and some, I suppose, are good people.

Guzman added that racism is "alive and well today" and that people are more inclined to attack Mexican immigrants.

"I have the impression that people have a little more right to say 'Hey … to go back to Mexico'," he said. "And I'm like, why? I live here, I have a mortgage here."

Guzman continued to say how proud he was of his exchange with the unidentified woman.

"When I got up for my mother, I got up for everyone who is afraid to talk," he said. "I got up for the little people, for the people who do not have a voice in this country."

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