Dr. Arreion Toles told KSDK that he was returning home late from work when the wife of this video prevented him from entering the St. Louis building, even though he had his keys.

D'Arreion Toles returned Friday night to the office to find a woman blocking the door of her downtown St. Louis building. he told the local station KSDK-TV. She would not move. Toles started filming.

"Do you live here?" The woman said in a video posted later on Facebook, asking Toles to indicate the number of his apartment. "I am uncomfortable."

"You can be uncomfortable," said Toles, refusing to name his apartment. "It's your discretion, you're uncomfortable because you are you."

The videos of the incident have collected more than 5 million views on Facebook. The sequence seems to show the woman who follows him in his apartment and asks who he is even after he has opened the door to enter.

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Once inside her apartment, said Toles, the woman called the police. A police sergeant in St. Louis confirmed that a 911 call had been made to the building.

Toles had his keys with him, he told KSDK-TV, but thinks the woman has confronted him because he's black.

"The video speaks for itself," said Toles, who posted the video in an article titled "Being a Black Man in America and Going Home".

"My biggest thing in the world and in the people is how we respond to it, do not respond with anger," said Toles.

Toles' message did not name the woman, but the New York Times identified her as Hilary Brooke Mueller. Her ex-husband, Brandon Mueller, on Sunday posted a video on Facebook about the incident at the building, known as the Elder Shirt Lofts, according to the Times.

"The individual in the video and I have been separated for over a year and I no longer reside myself in the Elder Loft Shirt building," he says.

Tribeca-STL, a luxury apartment company, identified the woman as an employee, while stating that the incident did not occur on her property. The company's officials decided to fire her after watching the video for "the troubling interaction," according to a statement.

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"The video shows the employee in her private life at home interacting with another person," the statement said. "The Tribeca-STL family is a minority business that includes employees and residents from many racial backgrounds."

Toles' videos are the latest in a series of videos posted on social media showing a white man calling the police against black people who organize barbecues, swim in swimming pools and other mundane acts.

Those who are filmed often earn nicknames online. "Becky BBQ", "Permit Patty" and "Cornerstore Caroline" became viral this year, and now the video of the woman in the Toles video has its own nickname: "Patty apartment."

Contributor: KSDK-TV, St. Louis

Follow Josh Hafner on Twitter: @joshhafner

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