A woman says that the hospital has removed her two healthy kidneys


The dialysis equipment is lined up in a corridor. People who have had the removal of one or both kidneys as well as those whose kidneys are compromised may need routine dialysis to stay alive. ( Irvin Calicut | Wikimedia Commons )

A Colorado woman says the doctors have removed her two healthy kidneys, telling her that the procedure is necessary. She is now considering taking legal action for the procedure that changed her life.

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In Colorado, 73-year-old Linda Woolley plans to take legal action against the University of Colorado's hospital after doctors have reportedly kidnapped her two healthy kidneys, last May. Obviously, the doctors informed Woolley that they had to remove her kidneys because she was probably suffering from kidney cancer. However, the results of the March 2018 biopsy revealed that there were "signs of malignancy," while biopsy results after surgery showed "no evidence of carcinoma," meaning that there was no trace of cancer.

Due to the loss of both his healthy kidneys, Woolley now needs to undergo dialysis treatments four hours three times a week to stay alive and requires at least one healthy kidney. Unfortunately, the waiting time for a kidney transplant can be up to seven years.

Naturally, Woolley is unhappy with the situation she is in now, claiming that dialysis treatment steals her life, no matter how much she gets used to it.

That being said, since she spoke to a local news channel about her situation, at least nine people willing to donate their kidney have contacted the channel.


A nephrectomy is the surgical removal of the kidney, one or both, or partially or completely. Nephrectomists may be those with injured, diseased or cancerous kidneys, but an organ donor is also required to collect the healthy organ for donation.

It is interesting to note that people only need one kidney, even if we have two, since only one kidney can work as well as two. However, people who have kidneys injured or have kidney disease, or those whose two kidneys have been removed, need a dialysis or a transplant to survive.

Although the majority of kidney donors live long with one kidney, they still need regular tests to check the effectiveness of the kidney.

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