A woman who harassed two black women in a car park in North Carolina turns around


A woman caught retaliating against two African Americans in a parking lot lost her job and went to the police in Sunset Beach, North Carolina, authorities said.

Susan Jane Westwood, 51, went on Saturday. According to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, she received a warrant for the misuse of the 911 system and four criminal summonses for simple assault and threatening. She was transferred to the Brunswick County Sheriff's Department and her bond was set at $ 500.

Westwood was filmed on October 19 reprimanding sisters Leisa Meria Garris, 52, and Mary Michelle Garris, 49, while they were waiting for AAA's arrival at the Camden Fairview Apartments' parking lot at Charlotte, North Carolina.

"I am white and I am hot. So, what are you doing here? Westwood told the sisters. "I'm still going to win $ 125,000 Monday morning. Who are you, do you live here?

"Should I also take out my concealed weapon?" Asked Westwood at some point during the meeting.

Westwood called 911 and falsely claimed that the women were trying to break into residences, according to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department.

"People trying to break into apartments are actually people I've never seen before but who are African American," Westwood said on his 911 call. "They're trying to cause a problem . "

In addition to recording Westwood's behavior, the Garris sisters also called 911 to report harassment. The police arrived at the scene but could not locate Westwood and issued a warrant for his arrest on October 30th.

"She attacked us both. So, there should be charges, "said Mary Garris when she spoke to ABC News on Saturday. "We want justice done. We want to raise awareness in the community. People are judged for the color of their skin. "

"It was a revelation," continued Garris. "This only happened because we were waiting for AAA – it is alarming and upsetting."

Prior to her dismissal, Susan Westwood worked for Charter Communications.

"The incident in Charlotte is a flagrant violation of the Charter's Code of Conduct and clearly ignores the company's commitment to inclusion and respectful behavior," said Scott Pryzwanky, spokesperson for the company. in a statement with the company was terminated, effective immediately. "

It was not clear right away if Westwood had hired a lawyer.

This is the latest in a series of high-profile incidents in which a white person has called police to report black people taking part in daily activities.

Last month, a white woman from Brooklyn called the police after accusing a nine-year-old African-American boy from fiddling with her. Security images proved that it was wrong.

Another white woman from St. Louis was fired from her job after a viral video in which she prevented a black man from entering his own building.

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