A woman would appreciate that you stop feeding her


By RNN staff

(RNN) – If you end up at McDonald's on South Shields Boulevard in Oklahoma City, whatever you do, do not feed the sad-faced dog that's hanging out.

She has been fed enough.

The owner of the dog, Betsy Reyes, posted a photo of her on Facebook Monday in front of the McDonalds, where she had gone to get some hamburgers lost from friendly passersby who thought she was was lost.

She is not and she is well fed, noted Reyes.

"If you see my dog ​​at McDonald's on shields, stop feeding her because she does not know how to behave and leaves the house all the time to walk to McDonald's at night," Reyes wrote. "She's not even a stray dog. She is just a gold nugget a– b —- acting as if she were a misplaced person to make people feel bad for her and feed her burgers. "

(Note: The publication on social networks below contains a foul language)

The publication was widely distributed on social networks, with over 268,000 shares and 29,000 comments, many of which featured the laughing emoji.

Many were also complimentary of the dog.

"Smart bitch, she knows how to get free cheeseburgers," wrote a user.

Reyes even posted a video of a person in a pickup truck throwing food at the dog.

She seems to be having fun with the newfound attention.

In an article published Wednesday night, she wrote: "The funniest part of the serious news channels that make articles about my dog ​​is when they quote my legend, lmaoooooo."

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