A year ago, Alyssa Milano started a conversation about #MeToo. These women replied.


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On the afternoon of Oct. 15, 2017, the actress Alyssa Milano tweeted a request to her followers: "If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write 'me too' a reply to this tweet."

The results were overwhelming.

Within 24 hours, comments and comments about social media, with women and men from around the world sharing personal stories. Among the celebrities who were responded Lady Gaga, Viola Davis, Javier Muñoz and Evan Rachel Wood.

But many women who were not nurses, teachers, engineers, florists, waitresses and students – mothers and daughters, sisters and wives.

Some being up for the first time about being raped. Others told of fending off aggressive co-workers and losing jobs.

#MeToo Stories – but she was surprised about how they were so young.

"Everyone was so brave to talk about their experiences," Milano told NBC News in a phone interview on Monday, the anniversary of her tweet heard 'round the world.

"The most beautiful thing of all of us," Milano added. "The collective bread we've felt in a collective power. It's amazing."

In the weeks after Milano's tweet, the #MeToo movement – which the activist Tarana Burke – has become widespread, has become widespread, and has become a rare sexual assault. The results have been far-reaching – dozens of powerful men accused, many of them toppled, a handful of criminally charged.

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