A young German speeder wins and loses his license in 49 minutes: NPR


A police officer in Wuppertal, Germany, measures the speed of passage of cars with a laser gun in March.

Oliver Berg / Photo Alliance via Getty Image

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Oliver Berg / Photo Alliance via Getty Image

A police officer in Wuppertal, Germany, measures the speed of passage of cars with a laser gun in March.

Oliver Berg / Photo Alliance via Getty Image

An 18-year-old resident of Hemer, Germany, managed to win and lose his driver's license in less than an hour.

He got his license Tuesday and celebrated – if not? – going for a walk. At almost twice the legal speed limit.

Barely 49 minutes after obtaining his license, a police speed laser gun timed him to 95 km / h in an area of ​​50 km / h, or nearly 60 mph in an area of ​​32 mph.

Just like that, his brand new license was no longer.

The police were clearly amused. They wrote on Facebook about the incident while writing: "Some things last forever, others not even an hour."

They even created a beautiful image to share of two police officers checking the speed of cars. "The license disappeared in 49 minutes," he said.

The unhappy young man has not just lost his new license. He also faces a fine and will have a probationary period once he can drive again. And he will have to take more driving lessons.

As to what, exactly, prompted the driver in a hurry? Police assume that he may have tried to impress four of his friends who accompanied him in the car.

If you find yourself in Germany and are tempted to do the same, Deutsche Welle warns you.

"While Germany is renowned for not having a legal speed limit on most sections of its highways, the police enforce strict speed regulations in populated areas," the broadcaster writes. "Offenders are required to pay fines ranging from 10 to 680 €, with a driving ban of up to three months, depending on the severity of the traffic offense. "

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