AAA Michigan provides 7 tips on safe and sober driving …


DEARBORN, Mich. – The American Automobile Association (AAA) predicts that more than 1.5 million Michigan residents will travel somewhere during Wednesday, July 4, the highest number of travelers expected since AAA began to follow those numbers 18 years ago.

He also predicts that nearly 90% of these travelers will drive a vehicle, and that this entails higher risks of car accidents. And with that comes a higher risk of people driving under the influence.

"Everyone deserves to have an independence day safe," said Michigan Public Affairs Director for AAA, Susan Hiltz. We urge travelers to make arrangements for safe transportation and to avoid impaired driving. "

With all this, the auto club has released seven tips on how to avoid drivers under the influence and how to have a safe travel day on July 4th.

  1. Always drive sober.
  2. Designate a non-alcoholic, drug-free driver before the start of your project.
  3. Check out AAA's Great Pretenders Party Guide, which offers non-alcoholic beverage options.
  4. Use TOW TO GO if you have too much drink. TOW TO GO is a free Michigan program offered by AAA that will give you a confidential trip to a safe place within 10 miles. AAA two trucks picks up the vehicle and the driver at home. Anyone can use TOW TO GO, and it is available from July 3rd to July 6th at 5am. If you do not want to use TOW TO GO, call a taxi, Uber or Lyft, or plan to stay somewhere
  5. Learn more about the effects of alcohol on driving and on the efforts of l & # 39; AAA to Reduce Injuries and Deaths Related to Alcohol and Other Drugs
  6. Never drive in a vehicle with a driver drunk. Always report impaired drivers to the local police

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