Aaron Rodgers and Danica Patrick are in love, he says


When NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers and race car driver Danica Patrick were first linked earlier this year, sports fans have gone crazy.

Now, Rodgers, who is usually reserved when asked about his personal life, talks about their relationship and suggests that things may be more serious than some would have imagined.

In an interview with Artful Living magazine, Green Bay star Packers revealed that Patrick and he loved each other.

"We are really one in the other," he said. "So, there will be positions with each other because we really appreciate each other's company, we are really drawn to each other."

Patrick, 36, confirmed for the first time that she was dating Rodgers, 34, last January. At the time, they were both newly single: the five-year relationship between Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and the NASCAR pilot ended last November.

Rodgers told Artfully Living that in recent months, Patrick and he loved traveling together and added that she had even developed a recognition for her love of historic sites. However, they also enjoyed smaller dates closer to home.

"She is so laid back and requires little maintenance," he said. "And she's a hell cook, so we like to stay home too, she's eating really healthy, she's inspired me that way."

Seeing her become the first woman to host the ESPY Awards was also a source of inspiration, he added.

"It's rare to see a woman enter the sports world of a man and do as well as she did. It's difficult," he said. "She's a strong woman and she has lived a lot in her career, I'm proud of the way she finished and I'm proud to have done the ESPY."

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