Aaron Rodgers blew himself up by his brother after pledging $ 1 million for the relief of a California wildfire


The family drama involving Aaron Rodgers is not new and its broadcast is not public. But the Rodgers family tensions once again made their head on Wednesday, in a very unexpected way.

The Packers quarterback, who grew up in Chico, CA, shared a video message Wednesday on Twitter, announcing that he would give a million dollars to relief efforts in northern California as a result of deadly fires that have cremated thousands of acres and houses. killed more than 70 people.

Rodgers also called on others to join him, even if it was just to share the video, as State Farm would donate a dollar for every retweet (up to a million dollars) of the publication.

It was a nice gesture for a community that was in urgent need of support and that on Wednesday afternoon had more than 34,000 Retweets messages.

But despite the large amount of money promised for relief efforts, the post clearly did not please the younger brother of Rodgers, Jordan, who himself responded with a message.

Yuck. This has certainly degenerated quickly.

The separation of Aaron with his close family made headlines for a while, and this was particularly evident in the role of Jordan – a former QB from Vanderbilt University – who participated in season 12 of "The Bachelor".

It's perhaps the ugliest thing the quarrel has ever had, at least publicly. Calling Aaron's message "an act", especially in the context of the situation, is a pretty serious charge to bear against him.

It is probably safe to assume that they will not spend Thanksgiving together this year.

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