Aaron Rodgers describes a terrifying shark experiment that led to "blackening"


If the Packers finish with a contract extension with Aaron Rodgers before the start of the regular season, they might consider adding a "shark clause", just for s & # 39; ensure that their starting quarter stays as far away from sharks as possible for the rest of eternity.

For now, Rodgers is allowed to hang out with sharks whenever he wants, and apparently, he had a "terrifying" experience last month when he was spinning a segment for "Discovery Channel's" Shark Week, who is

Although Rodgers gave a brief overview of his experience on sharks last month when he shared a picture on Instagram, he did not really give any details on the subject. situation.

However, everything changed over the weekend, when he shared his shark story with Peter King for Football Morning in America. According to Rodgers, his one-on-one experience with the shark took place just off the coast of San Diego, and it was just as terrifying as his picture makes it sound.

"Seriously, I was terrified," Rodgers told King. "I just thought that the expert they'd told me: there are three sharks in the water, blue, white and mako, mako, s & # 39; 39, he is taller than you, he goes out do not stay and keep his eyes on her at all times, never turn his back on him … White, you look him straight in the eyes all the time … The only way to approach you is if you are not when he approaches you, he has a long nose, you just have Miyagi. "

Basically, all that Rodgers had to do to stay safe was to keep it in. Eye contact with the shark as long as it was a shark. White or small mole Unfortunately for Rodgers however, he was approached by a blue shark, which meant that he was going to have to channel his interior.Miyagi to keep the animal at bay.

"So, this blue, he literally came to me – alert spoiler – I put my hand on his head, "Rodgers said." I pushed him to the right, gently, gently. "

The Packers Quarterback said things were getting so intense that he was a little fainting.

"I was terrified, honestly, I was blackened," said Rodgers. "That's I just came to the mind and all I thought was, "Oh my god is happening, what am I doing? Ok, boom." I have just bou Ge's head to the right, but it was fun, I have a different appreciation for sharks now, I agree with them.

If you wonder why anyone worth millions of dollars would be willing to jump into the ocean and swim with a wild shark, the answer was easy for Rodgers: He wanted to overcome his fear of sharks.

"The only reason I wanted to do shark, is that I have two main fears: sharks and heights, I'm not going to jump off a plane, but the sharks, I do not know. " "I watched" Jaws "when I was a kid and I always had the impression that they were in the water, in the water of the ocean, and one has my name on the back and it bothers me, I wanted to overcome this fear because I love the water, I like paddleboard. "

Fortunately for Rodgers, it's not turned into shark food, which is also good news for the Packers, as it would be a horrible way to lose the starting quarter.The Rodgers segment is expected to be released next week during the Discovery Channel's seven-day celebration (July 22-29) Coincidentally, the Rodgers segment could end airing the same day as the Packers report to the training camp (25 July), and if Mike McCarthy ends up watching, no one will be surprised if he orders Rodgers to never go back near a shark.

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