Aaron Rodgers opens and offers details on his relationship with Danica Patrick


In recent months we have heard a lot about the relationship between Aaron Rodgers and Danica Patrick. Of course, most of this information comes from Patrick, mainly because Rodgers is not always willing to talk about his relationships.

Although Rodgers does not always reveal himself about his private life, NBC's Michele Tafoya managed to convince the Packers quarterback to give some details about his relationship with Patrick in a recent interview for Artful Living ( h / t TMZ). The Rodgers interview was conducted in August but was only published this month.

Tafoya asked the fiercely private quarterback to talk to Patrick by asking him if he was "open" to giving some details about his relationship.

"In the right settings, it's normal," Rodgers said. "There is always the right time and the right place, but I do not feel obligated to be booked all the time."

The NFL's most valuable player twice said that he was absolutely in love with his girlfriend, that he is been with at least January.

"We are just two people who love to be with each other and who love each other," said Rodgers. "We really love each other so there will be positions with each other because we really appreciate each other's company, we are really drawn to each other."

During the football season, Rodgers is 100% interested in the Packers. However, during the off season, he stated that he loved to visit as many new places as possible with Danica.

"We really like to travel," Rodgers said. "She went on a trip to India and Africa, and we had a lot of fun, and we made fun family trips, I'm a little further in my love for history, I want to go into the city. 39, history sites around the world.It's going too, but it's spontaneous. "

Rodgers said he liked Patrick's willingness to travel with him almost everywhere.

"She is ready for anything for the trip, which is fun," said Rodgers. "She is a good travel partner because she is very laid back and requires little maintenance.And she is a hell cook, so we love to stay at home too.She really eats good health, it inspired me in this way. "

The Packers quarterback also said that he was especially proud to see Danica become the first woman to host the ESPY in July.

"I'm really proud of her for that," said Rodgers. "I always like to go to the ESPY, but finally having a woman out there was awesome." Awesome that I'm going out with her and that I'm in the parody "Me, Tonya." I remember talking to her about it and she was really attracted to the first female host, a strong woman who has had to deal with gender issues in her sport for years to come. "

If you missed the parody "Me, Tonya", you can check it below.

Despite the fact that Rodgers focused on the Laser Packers, the two men remained close during the football season, with Patrick attending several games. The former Indy driver was even at Lambeau Field on Monday for the Packers' spectacular 33-30 win over the 49ers.

Besides Patrick, Rodgers was also questioned about the stormy relationship that he had with his family. So, what would it say to people who want to know what's going on there?

"Take care of your things," said Rodgers. "All those who know me … All the members of my entourage know that there are no forbidden subjects, but there are things that are better not to say to people who do not need to know. "

Rodgers has made it clear in the past that he not going to talk about his family problemsand it does not seem like it will change soon.

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