Aaron Rodgers returns in 4th quarter against the Bears and Lions, ranked


Aaron Rodgers can beat the Bears in the regular season. Aaron Rodgers can beat the Bears in the playoffs. And as Sunday night has proven, he can beat the Bears on one leg.

Rodgers rallied the Packers 20-0 in the second half less than an hour after being transported to the Lambeau Field dressing room with an apparent knee injury. The NFL doubles MVP relegated his team to defeat, making three touchdown passes while he was unable to put much weight on his left leg in a 24-23 victory. .

But for Chicago, it was just the same thing. Sunday's victory marked the sixth time Rodgers returned to the fourth quarter or a winning match against the Bears. It was a familiar feeling 250 miles northeast of the windy city. Rodgers came back to beat the Detroit Lions five more times. Some of these epic returns have been for the playoffs. Others meant nothing more than pride. Detroit was sentenced to the most stupid season possible.

So where did Rodger's last-night standings stand against his NFC North rivals (he was 12-7 against the Vikings as a starter, but none of those wins were won? in the fourth quarter)? It's near the top with room to evolve depending on how the Packers play after Week 1.

11. Week 2 2008 vs. Lions, 48-25

Rodgers' first season as a starter may have ended with a 6-10 record, but he paved the way for a long career by crushing Detroit. The Lions took a 25-24 lead in the middle of the fourth quarter before Green Bay came back – even though Rodgers only played a supporting role in the win, with two pick-six in the final. 3:09.

10. Week 17 2008 vs. Lions, 31-21

This game had no impact on the playoffs whatsoever … but was Detroit's last chance to avoid becoming the first 0-16 team in NFL history. A 14-14 draw in the fourth quarter turned into a 24-14 lead over Green Bay when Kevin Smith's nine-yard touchdown gave Lions new hope with 7:32 to play. Only 16 seconds later, Rodgers hit Donald Driver for a 71-yard touchdown and the books were sealed on what was, at the time, the most futile season the league had ever seen.

9. 2012, week 14 against Lions, 27-20

8. 2012, week 11 against Lions, 24-20

7. 2009, week 14 against bears, 21-14

6. 2009, week 1 against bears, 21-15

In 2009, Aaron Rodgers became AARON RODGERS, and it all started with a 50-yard touchdown pass to Greg Jennings, who turned a two-point deficit in the first game of the season into a six-point lead with 71 seconds to play. This has been pretty much a descent for Chicago since then.

5. 2016, week 15 against the Bears, 30-27

A 4-6 start left the Pack in danger of missing out on the playoffs for the first time since 2009. Green Bay had no margin of error when it moved to face a 3-10 team. Bears, but Chicago beat 27-10. – Quarterly disqualify to jeopardize the series of three consecutive wins of the Packers. Connor Barth's 22-yard goal tied the game with 79 seconds left. Three games later, Rodgers clinched a third and eleven bombs for Jordy Nelson to set up a field goal that allowed his team to maintain their playoff aspirations.

4. 2015, week 13 against Lions, 27-23

Never, ever extinguish a game of Packers if Rodgers is about to launch a Hail Mary. Detroit receives a bonus chagrin here for winning this game, then gives Green Bay one last chance to win the game after a questionable mask call.

3. 2018, week 1 against bears, 24-23

The final result could be insignificant by the time we finish the 2018 season, but the performance on the inside was undeniable. Rodgers entered the locker room in Green Bay, defeated and kicked out of one leg. His decisive touchdown at Randall Cobb gets all the attention, but does not neglect Geronimo Allison's 39-yard touchdown:

Throwing his foot back with a simple arm stroke was evidence not only of Rodgers' incredible physical gifts, but also of his supernatural ability to adapt on the fly.

2. 2013, week 17 against the bears, 33-28

Rodgers missed much of the 2013 season due to a broken collarbone, but had to give in to the injury in a de facto playoff match against the Bears. Chicago led the NFC North at 8-7, while the rejuvenated Packers fell to 7-7-1 in the absence of Rodgers. The winner would win the division crown and a home playoff match next week. The loser's season would be over.

Jay Cutler hit Brandon Marshall with a five-yard touchdown pass to give the Bears a 28-20 lead with 14 minutes left, but Rodgers came back strong. Eddie Lacy reduced that lead to one on the next race, then a defensive clutch position gave Packers 13 the ball at 6:24. Rodgers then accurately selected the Chicago defense with a litany of short games before facing fourth and eighth with only 46 seconds to play. Veteran QB avoided the pressure, rolled to his left and unchained a perfect ball in a Randall Cobb sequence. With the season in play, Cobb put the pass on the line to give his team a 48-yard touchdown.

1, 2010, week 17 against the bears, 10-3

Green Bay needed a win to make the playoffs. Chicago had already blocked the NFC North championship. But the Bears and their suffocating defense had no interest in letting their bow compete. That match was tied 3-3 early in the fourth quarter before Rodgers hit Donald Lee with a one-yard touchdown pass that was the difference between a playoff spot and a disappointing nine-game win. Four wins later, the Packers were Super Bowl champions. They beat the Bears in the NFC championship game to get there.

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