Abduction of Abby Hernandez: 5 quick facts to know


Abby Hernandez, Abby Hernandez Abduction


On October 9, 2013, Abby Hernandez, 14, was returning home from school in Conway, New Hampshire, while she was abducted by a man named Nathaniel Kibby.

Hernandez was held in captivity for nine months, during which she suffered various forms of abuse, including sexual assault. Tonight, Hernandez, now 19, will speak to 20/20 for the first time since his release in July 2014.

Here's what you need to know about his story.

1. His Captor is called "Master"

Kibby was called the "master" of Hernandez.

She also says that she has been sexually assaulted several times.

Yet, Hernandez has never lost hope in captivity. She says, "I want to hope – even if you have lost everything – hope is something that no one can take away. Just keep that and it will help you keep going.

She adds, "I remember that I never said" amen "in my mind. I never wanted to end my prayers because I did not want God to leave me … I just wanted to really live.

Throughout the duration of his abduction, Hernandez had only one interaction with his parents. She sent a letter to her mother on 23 October, postmarked, but she did not arrive until 6 November, according to WMUR.

2. She was forced to wear a shock collar

Kibby was forced to wear a shock collar while in captivity. He said, "You know, I'm thinking of finding something more human to keep you calm," Hernandez told ABC. "He said," I'm thinking of a shock-proof collar. "

Hernandez remembers Kibby by placing the collar around his neck. And he said, "Ok, try to scream. "And – I just started slowly raising my voice, and then it shocked me, so he said," Ok, now you know what it's like. "

Kibby threatened Hernandez in other ways. He warned her that if the door of the unit in which she was detained opened, the room would catch fire.

3. She was held in a storage container

Hernandez was detained for nine months in a soundproof shipping container just 30 miles north of Conway.

According to the New York Post, friends and neighbors described Kibby as an "anti-government fanatic who loves guns".

A neighbor, Debbie Demers, told NECN of Kibby, "We nicknamed him Nate. I do not know too much about him, he is rather a loner. But I've always told the girls to stay away from this trailer … He loves his weapons and there was a small shooting range there.

4. She tried to negotiate with her sensor

After being kidnapped, Abby repeatedly tried to negotiate with Kibby. "I remember thinking," Well, I have to work with this guy. I said [to him]"I do not judge you for that. If you let me go, I will not tell anyone, "Abby told ABC.

His attempts to negotiate were, unfortunately, unsuccessful. She was taken to his home where she stayed for nine months.

Abby's release was abrupt. As she explains, they drove one night and Kibby said "get out". She came out, how much he asked for his hat. "Then I took it off, I threw it in the car, I slammed the door and it went away. Just like that. That was it. Then she went home. She describes her mother as a "beautiful moment."

5. Kibby was sentenced to 45 to 90 years in prison

The record of Kibby's arrests dates back to 1998, according to WMUR, when he was accused of assault.

In March 2014, he was arrested and charged with criminal trespass and assault for an incident involving another woman. According to WMUR, he had followed a woman from Conway, New Hampshire after a car accident. He then "pushed her down on her driveway after ordering her to stop taking pictures of her car."

In July, the charge of assault was dropped. Tammy Shackford, the alleged victim, reportedly told WMUR: "When I heard him on the news, I was beside myself … He is not a normal person. He is not right.

A few days later, Hernandez helped police locate Kibby and he was charged with kidnapping. Hernandez says she learned Kibby's name from a cookbook he gave her – while Nate Kibby's name was written inside.

On May 26, 2016, Kibby pleaded guilty to seven charges, including kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault and criminal assault. He was sentenced to 45 to 90 years in prison.

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